Aqua Therapy

Aqua Therapy


Aqua therapy is used to treat a wide range of ailments and injuries including: neurological disorders, musculoskeletal pain, sports-related injuries and rehabilitation, arthritis, back and neck pain, impaired balance, chronic pain and much more. There are many instances when exercise is either difficult or not recommended. Aqua therapy can be used to strengthen the areas as water provides cushioning for the body. The exercises that are not possible on dry land can be performed in water, making recovery not only possible but also quicker.

Benefits of Aqua Therapy:

  • Painless healing process
  • Build Muscular Strength
  • Improved balance
  • Improved patient morale
  • Improved range of motion
  • Relieve stress
  • Especially beneficial after Motor Vehicle Accident

How does Aqua Therapy Work? The patient works one on one with an Aqua therapist in a warm pool. This helps the patient focus on their body and begin the strengthening and recovery process without pain or stress to the body. Aqua therapy is a tailored program unique to each individual depending on their condition. Aqua therapy helps with balance in a safe environment which leads to better performance on exercises outside of the water.

How long does it take for treatment to start showing results? The results vary from person to person and also on the severity of the condition. The benefit of going through aqua therapy is that there are no wait times and the sessions can begin almost immediately. With constant monitoring and adjusting of treatment by your therapist as required, you will definitely begin seeing and experiencing results.

Cost and Coverage: Most of our services are covered through employer, auto or disability insurance. Schedule an appointment to learn more about the different options that are available to you.